Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lets try that again...

So super hot and stable air was followed by a cool day with very strong easterlies up the valley.
So it was a relief to return to the sky yesterday.
The task yesterday was quite straight forward with the possible exception of a push into the Ahuiri Valley and a turnpoint in the lee of the Dingle Ridge. A very rough crossing through the Ribbonwood  Gap followed by a fair old thrashing to get high enough to push across to Ben Avon Station and get out of the valley. After that it was an easy run to Tarras and back up to the Two Thumb Range.

Today the task setters got out of bed very early, drank way too much coffee and got very enthusiastic. The little glider task (me) was 445 kms while the big boys (and girl) had a 500 km task.
It was a day of firsts for me (albeit not a first place...far from it) as I hadn't done that the nasty run from Dansys Pass cross to Kurow and onto the mountains to the north. Nor had I dropped off the Two Thumbs into the Rangitata river valley. Achieved both today...and a small amount of sweat.
The best climb was 12 knots...in a convergence/thermal/ridge combo.

I've taken plenty of photos of wild and woolly places so when I get a chance to download them I'll post some. But probably not the one of the fullest pee bag I've ever generated....must have been the nervous energy.

Go Tim...we are watching from here...no pressure.

Oh and if you think your day was bad...yesterday a Duo launched from here with the intention of flying to Lake Station....no mean feat by itself...probably 500 kms. However once they arrived overhead Lake Station there were sheep on the strip so they flew onto Nelson only to find the cross wind too strong so they elected to go across Cooks Strait and land at Wellington. So the long suffering retrieve crew needed to drive to Picton (8-9 hours), cross the strait, and de-rig, re-cross the strait, then on the Lake Station.

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