Saturday, January 5, 2013

Good grief it's hot...

So hot and stable that the Contest Director pulled the pin on the task at 2.30pm.
33 degrees according to my car. So 2 days ago we had snow and rain...and now it's hot and dry. What a place. And the river is still too high and dirty to swim in.

Interesting things today;
The LS 6 that crumpled its main wheel yesterday was out on the grid today. Amazing what can be achieved in a hurry. A borrowed wheel strut  and main gear from  a LS 8 and plenty of hours through the night got the aircraft serviceable again. Good effort.

Saw one of the best low passes in a Duo...although I suspect the grumpies will be on to him.

I witnessed the first ever "flash mob" at a gliding venue...after days of interest and questions Brett finally relented and fired up the Jet. On the ground. What a leave blower...albeit quite a bit louder.
We had pilots running from all over the field to get a glimpse...even famous glider pilots like the one on the front page of the local paper...who's also the captain of a certain rugby team. The best advert by a glider sales rep I've ever seen....

I learnt where my mistake was yesterday...and how easy it would have been to go up the Ben Ohau's.

An impromptu, on the spot, totally unauthorised reccomemdation was made that all gliders in future Nationals must uses Flarms. That'll be an interesting discussion point in the north. I'd buy a Flarm ( as my V7 supports and displays Flarms outputs) but if no one else has one what's the point?

And lastly, December was another record month for hits on the blog. I'm not sure whether to thank you or suggest you must have bette things to do.

Go Tim....we will be watching.

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