Thursday, January 13, 2011

What does a sea breeze mean?

The video clip is a timelapse of today, looking west towards the Kaimai's.
Unfortunately the quality of the video gets badly degraded when uploaded to the blog...take my word for it it's really cool. I can send anyone the actual file although it's 24 mb's.
From 1pm through to 4pm condensed down to 14 seconds.
The wind was a light S to SW and you can watch the thermals boiling away. However from about 8 seconds in you can see the wind off to the far right change and very quickly afterwards lower clouds start to appear from the right, which is the sea air moving inland.

As you will know, the sea air is cooler and wetter so the cloud base drops. It also cuts off any further thermal development so very quickly it blues out...

It wasn't a strong sea breeze so by about 5.30pm the Southerly had re-asserted itself and clouds started forming back nearer the coast. Looking south now (7.30pm) the southerly front is appearing.

Cool eh...

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