Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Something to do while it's raining...

Shag about with the TP files...TP = turnpoint...not total prat...
Have combined Matamata's updated TP file with Taupo's. Labelled the Mta ones with an M at the start whereas the Taupo ones have a T. This way the TP's are sorted by area first then the number. This avoids the overlap of each TP file.

Also have included the airstrips I have some confidence are still use-able.

But beware...farmers put stock on airstrips, fences across them, build cowsheds on them, plough them up for swedes or kale, or generally make life difficult.

Be warned, if fly to a strip expecting to land don't be surprised if you can't...and don't blame the farmer...look inside the cockpit, or in a mirror.

Send me a note if you want a copy...I'll probably update the Duo's TP files on the Oudie's...or is that the oh dears...

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