Sunday, October 10, 2010

To sum up...

The day was as forecast. Crappy wave on the Tauranga fact I didn't bother trying to use the wave to across the Kaimai's but followed a cloud street across. A cloud street who's bases were 4500ft (as forecast). Wind was generally 250 degrees - 15-20 knots. good ridge day with streets and thermals. The best street took us from south of the road crossing all the way out past Tirau without needing to turn, and we climbed 500ft to boot.


  1. Ah it was a great day - funnily I launched early, landed around 3, then took someone up for a training flight. In hindsight should have launched later to get the best out of the day. Still good fun. Till next time...

  2. Well that will explain it...I couldn't get a launch until after 2pm and it took 40 minutes to cross the kaimai's. I did pass GPK at Te Aroha...not sure who was in charge?
