Friday, October 15, 2010

Helicopter goes missing...

I hope they find it and the 2 crew. They have been searching since late yesterday. However weren't these expensive EPIRB things suppose to solve these problems??? Remember all the hype..."have an accident and SAR can locate you immediately". I'm not sure what CAA's definition of "immediate" is but 24 hours seems not to be it!!! I also notice a report from CAA that now admits they don't work as well as they suggested...aerials break off on impact, the impact switches fail to activate etc. So to all the glider owners who spent $800 each and the powered guys who spent much more, maybe an apology...yeah right. I also note that CAA still won't support Flight Following Technology...pity because instead of searching over 1000 square kms this morning they would be down to 10 square kms.


  1. Found dead :(
