Thursday, October 18, 2012

Is a Dingo faster than a Griffin???

For those who have forgotten their Greek history a Griffin had the body of a lion but the wings of an eagle...
But in the outback a Dingo still goes faster than a Griffin...
Don't believe me??
Check out the club class scores from yesterday...

Team Dingo - 4259
Team Griffin - a bit less.

But a Weaver is much faster at - 4410.

But a Hunter is the fastest...5410 points.

Looks like conditions for the Nationals across the ditch have been the exact opposite of last year. To refresh your memory last year it rained, and rained, and rained and they called the whole contest off...quite like over here from time to time.

The wave season is upon us here in the land of the long white cloud. In fact on the return Air NZ flight from Wellington late yesterday the Q300 pilot (who is a glider pilot as well) took a small deviation from his track to soar the Ruapehu Wave...I think he was pleased one of his passengers noticed.

And this form the eh.

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