Monday, October 29, 2012

For the love of God...make it stop...

These constant attacks on our airspace...
This strategy of chipping away at the freedom of unfettered airspace for the public to pursue their chosen activity seems designed to wear us down.
The latest attempt to lower large tracts of the Waikato to 3500ft and the area further south from 6500ft to 5500ft fits with the overall plan to control all airspace above 3500ft right across the central Nth Is.
Why do they want to do this??

Reading the latest proposal it's because they (Airways) seem unable to control IFR traffic around Hamilton airport. Nevermind the fact that Airways could have objected to the expansion of CTC operations, nevermind the fact that Performance Based Nav is due to roll out over the Bay Sector at some point, and nevermind the fact that they once promised that if we (glider pilots) installed Transponders we'd never have any more airspace issues in the future...yeah right.
4 years ago when the 2 GA areas were established (254 on request and 255 on approval) it was never suggested that Airways would resist opening both areas at the same time. So once you open 254 it seems there is real reluctance to open the other...despite assurances this wouldn't be the case.

I'm guessing we have little chance of changing this outcome...consultation in Airways speak means..."here's the plan...take it or leave it".

I know we are only a small group of merry pilots and the all important IFR heavy metal aircraft are the "Gods" but surely we are entitled to access to what is a public good...that being the airspace above us.

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