Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Winter is for learning.

Little gems of information can be collected from many is just two.
(And before anyone claims we're needlessly benefiting from other peoples failures...I'll get in first and say...why yes we are...but only for the purposes of learning). I have left out the rego's and names.

The aircraft was left unattended on the airstrip, with the engine running and the propeller in feather, and with the pilot standing nearby. The propeller moved to the fine position, causing the aircraft to move approximately 20m, striking the loading vehicle.

The glider's sustainer motor was started, but was found to not be producing full power. Distracted by the motor, and with the increased drag from the wind-milling propeller, the glider had insufficient height to return to xxxxxxxxxxx. An approach to a farm airstrip was made, but the glider landed short. To avoid colliding with a fence the glider was ground-looped, breaking the fuselage behind the motor.
And now for something completely different...
Why it's sometimes better to live in a small temperate Island rather than a super big continent...
Remember theses photos' when you read about big thermals, 18,000ft cloudbases yada yada yada..

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