Sunday, July 1, 2012

It's in, tested and going.

The Nano, V7 and a new IPAQ mount.
Really really cool.
The Nano is a GPS, logger and you can declare and fly a task and/or badge flight. It's small and light and very easy to connect to your PC. Powered either from an internal battery (28 hours) or from the glider battery, or a USB cable. Stores 128 years of track logs...I'll be 76 by then.
The V7 is a vario and final glide gadget. You can display 2 different outputs whilst the vario is going. The needles also show average and Netto as well as acceleration.
I've currently set mine to Altitude required (to get home) while thermalling and Arrival while cruising and Average vario and something else on the botom display.
IPAQ hooks to V7 and gets airspeed, GPS and other data.
The IPAQ logs as well...
Clear as mud???

I've also managed to reduce the panel clutter. And remove the large IPAQ holders off the canopy.

All the cables, manuals and stuff.
All in working order.

I've got some more interesting news but it'll have to wait awhile. Needless to say I won't be cueing for the club Duo...


  1. Make sure the Ipaq is angled down (or able to be) to avoid reflecting the sky like in the photo!

  2. The angle I was holding the camera at didn't help things. It's under the panel cover so should be better than the old system. I really need a nice thermal day to test it.
