Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sea Breezes...again

Interesting looking at the RASP for yesterday. With the southerly gone the dreaded sea breezes got to work. This was the forecast convergence zones for yesterday afternoon.
I thought Tuesday might have been better than Monday with the strong southerly diminishing but it didn't look that way...from the ground.
Today might be OK but sea breezes will be a problem, as will quite blue-ish conditions. Thermals of a slightly lower strength...3-5 knots, bases lower as well.
It's all academic here in Tauranga cos the airshow crowd have taken over the runway. What starts out as an airshow that closes our operation for the long weekend turns into a closure for the whole week.

The new glider from Schempp-Hirth. Geez they are getting bigger and bigger. Imagine trying to land this beast out in a small Waikato paddock, or a narrow Omarama airstrip.
Are we losing the point somewhat??? Does a longer wing-span (not to mention the extra $250,000) compensate for a lack of skill???
However once I get around to upgrading to a 18 meter glider I'm sure that argument will no longer apply...

1 comment:

  1. Landing the big ships in Nth Island paddocks is not a problem. They land much slower than many of the Std class and easier to fly than many short wing pilots think.

    2 quotes from a D2 pilot sum it up nicely

    'when it comes to landing short - I would rather face a small field in a 3D than in my little Discus'

    'You have to love glider pilots - they will always have an opinion. Not understand the subject does not present a barrier!'
