Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What's the link between 176 million and 4???

For those who listen to National Radio you will know the answer...
For the rest....
176 million is the number of blog sites in the world...and rising at 2 per second.


4 is the average number of readers per blog...that's just sad. In fact large numbers of blogs may only be read by the owner...a real definition of "only the lonely"

Just as well this one has lots and lots...1800 last month...


  1. I heard the quote and am wondering where the original source is. I'd love to use that with my junior statistics class as it could lead to some interesting discussion. We are currently looking at various definitions of average (mean / median / mode) and advantages / disadvantages of these measures. I can't help but wonder how that statistic was generated and what is meant by "readers". Is it people who randomly stumble on the blog and read one of the posts in a given time frame or is it regular readers / followers of a particular blog??

  2. The radio interview if you want to listen.
