Once upon a time I liked winter...cold, snow and all that. I'm offically over it...nevermind I'm off to the UK/Europe in 2 weeks so at least there is some respite on the horizon. The picture is the upper Ahuriri Valley in mid summer. It was 32 degrees and very clear. Later in the day the westerlies built up and generated very good late evening wave.
What does a glider pilot do in the winter?
Other than drawing obscure connections between blog sites and club* activities, it's a time to plan tasks for the summer, clean and repair your glider, think about strategies to help the club* grow its membership and wonder what GNZ has been doing with our monies over the last 12 months.
*in the interests of club harmony I am now practising self-censorship (the visit from representatives of the Fiji Gov't suggesting I no longer refer to, implicate or otherwise mention a certain gliding club did help a bit).
Opportunities abound. The flash flood in Omarama last week left the owners of Omarama Station with the only bridge over the Omarama Stream. An approach from Transit NZ to use the farm bridge to keep the State Highway open resulted in a $5 per car donation to the local school.
Good thinking team. Who says the owners of the station haven't got the interests of the community at heart...a few gliders pilots could learn a bit from this.
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