Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Weekend Weather...

It's looking better and better. Especially for the Sunday Speed Challenge. Tauranga has piked out assuming they will tow to the ridge and complete the we can expect one flight rather than the opportunity for 4 or 5 pilots to compete and learn.
In fact the chances on even one trip seems remote...especially if it turns out to be a real busy time the airport, (with all those Rena rubberneckers, helicopters, TV crews etc), and Airways propensity to close upper airspace at the slightest challenge.

Never mind, those of us who are real glider pilots (in a real Discus) are determined to get out of the grasp of the babysitters in the tower and will put in the real kms.

The RASP seems to have stalled...hopefully itself sort itself out soon.

1 comment:

  1. LS4 + Me = mission towards the Waikato on Saturday. Just remind me... turn right after release eh. ;-)
