Friday, September 24, 2010

Now here's a conundrum....

Your are in one of the local clubs' gliders, let's say the LS4. You have decided to enter a contest, maybe the Club class Nationals in Matamata. On day 2 you land-out. No problems...just get home put the glider back together and your ready to fight another day. But whoa, back the glider're forgotten the club has degreed that any land-outs require a engineer to inspect the glider before another flight (on somewhat dudious logic). And the club has tendered it's engineering services out. Once we had had a local lad who did inspections for no cost, but he resigned, or did he jump before he was pushed?? We may never know...but I digress. So now you are stuck...unless the club approves the use of another engineer at short notice, or the assigned engineer (who could be anywhere from Kawerau to Auckland) can come to your aid your out of the contest. Didn't think of that one did we???? On a happy's a video from a mass land-out last summer. You might notice a big yellow's called the SUN.

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