Forgotten what a good day in Omarama looks like? I stole this picture from Phil Plane...sort of makes you home sick...
No gliding today...Why...because our strip is closed because they are setting up for the airshow. No one else's activities are being disrupted...just us. Over the years this airshow has gone from only disrupting one weekends gliding and offering a share of any profits, to closing us down for 5 days and no compensation is on offer...how did this happen??? Did our committte not think through the issue? It's not about being a good airport "citizen", it's just making sure the Airshow organisation are cogniant of the disruption they are having of us. I bet we were even consulted! Are we being walked over again?
More from Maurice...
Q from the US of A; Will we be able to see Kangaroos on the street? A patient Maurice from Tourism Oz replies; Depends how much you've been drinking.
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