Summer will arrive, so it's time to think about those long thermal flights. Time to get the tasks organised, 50, 200, 300 and 500km flights. I know of at least 1 club member who has set his sights on a 500km flight (not in wave...that would be cheating).
Plan to finally rig GNM this weekend and get some wax polish on the wings.
I have been updating my Landout database over the winter. Have located and inspected another good airstrip in the area between Lake Rotoma and the coast. Would you believe it...it's on Jensen Rd. Looks suitable for aero retrieves and safe to land any glider on.
S37.56.873/176.30.337 - elevation 600ft AMSL.
It's about mid-way between Kawerau and the big paddock at Griffins Dairy Farm. This makes it handy for the return trip back from Galatea or Kawerau.
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